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What You Need to Know About the Common Types of Computer Viruses

What You Need to Know About the Common Types of Computer Viruses

Lurking in the depths of the internet are computer viruses, waiting to unleash chaos on unsuspecting users. These malicious programs can cause a whole heap of trouble, from slowing down your computer, deleting files, or even worse—stealing your sensitive information. With so many sneaky virus types out there, it’s wise to arm yourself with some knowledge.

That said, let’s dive into the most common types of viruses. Most types of computer viruses are named according to how they operate.

Boot Sector Virus

The boot sector virus is a classic type of computer virus we have faced since the early days of computing. Typically spread through infected external storage devices like USB drives or through malicious email attachments, this virus targets the system’s master boot record. Once activated, it can cause significant damage to the system, making it one of the simpler yet dangerous viruses to avoid.

Web Scripting Virus

Another type of computer virus lurking online is the web scripting virus. These viruses hide within the code of web pages, including links, ads, images, and videos. Users might unknowingly invite these viruses into their systems by downloading malicious files or visiting compromised websites. The sneaky nature of this virus highlights the importance of cautious web browsing.

Browser Hijacker

Among the different types of computer viruses, the browser hijacker is notably intrusive yet detectable. It commandeers your web browser, redirecting you to unwanted, often malicious websites. This not only compromises your online experience but can also pose significant security risks, illustrating the need for robust browser security measures.

Direct Action Virus

Direct action viruses are known for their specificity, targeting particular file types—most commonly executable files (.exe). They replicate by attaching themselves to files, making them easier to detect and remove. This virus type exemplifies how targeted actions by viruses necessitate tailored security responses.

Multipartite Virus

Lastly, the multipartite virus demonstrates the complex nature of the types of computer viruses we have today. It infects systems comprehensively, affecting the operating system, folders, and programs through unauthorized actions. Its ability to spread across multiple fronts makes it a particularly challenging adversary.

Protect Your Digital World

The digital landscape is fraught with threats, from the sneaky boot sector virus to the comprehensive multipartite virus. However, knowledge is power, and understanding these common types of computer viruses is the first step in safeguarding your digital environment. For businesses in Atlanta seeking to fortify their defenses, reaching out to Atlanta-managed IT services is a prudent choice. JETT Business Technology stands ready as your partner in navigating these digital challenges, ensuring your technology remains secure and efficient.

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