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IT Support Tips

Insider Threat

Have you Assessed a Potential Insider Threat to Your Business?

It’s nothing new.  Confidential information, sensitive financial records, critical customer data, and intellectual property are core assets for any successful business.   Protection of these assets is critical to the longevity of any successful business. Theft of these assets have long provided the motivation to individuals and competitors to go off-script to indulge in nefarious acts […]

Have you Assessed a Potential Insider Threat to Your Business? Read More »

Access and Data of Your Remote Workers

Access and Data of Your Remote Workers – Is It Secure?

Providing safe and effective protection for remote workers is not a new topic. But today, more than ever, this is a key priority of all IT Departments, large or small.  The responsibility of keeping networks and data safe considering the exponential growth in remote workers is an onerous task. IT security teams need to be

Access and Data of Your Remote Workers – Is It Secure? Read More »

An Explanation of What ‘The Cloud’ Really Is (Without the Geek-Speak)

Almost every day, someone on the JETT BT Team is engaged by a customer or potential customer with the following line of questioning: What Is ‘the Cloud’?  What Does It Really Mean?  Do I Need ‘The Cloud’? Webster’s Dictionary defines Cloud Computing as “the practice of storing regularly used computer data on multiple servers that

An Explanation of What ‘The Cloud’ Really Is (Without the Geek-Speak) Read More »

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